Monday, July 28, 2008

It's 3:30am

Alright...Here I go. It is 3:30am on a very early Monday morning. I have not slept since 7am last morning. My five-member simulation group slowly dwindled down to one other girl and me as we struggled to finish a fundraising plan and budget for a 2Million dollar Congressional race. I am on both a caffeine and a carb high. Is this what campaigning is all about?! Cause I kinda love it...the challenge, the stress to get your work done properly, and even conceding arguments on who should do what and with whom.

Annie List's program is pretty intense...but, I like it (ask me again how much I like it when I have to wake up in less than four hours for another 10 hour class day and another 6+ hours of campaign simulation). I am learning so much about campaiging and yet feel as if I have not retained a single thing from sleep deprivation, and it's only the third day! I would write more, but am, quite frankly tired of typing and looking at a computer screen. So with that, I leave you to say goodnight, or goodmorning.

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