Friday, August 1, 2008

I think it is official, I've completely lost it. Last night, I had my first "official" breakdown of the week. After a terribly grueling/gruesome assignment (along with a super late night, or should I say morning) I just broke down into a fit of maniacal laughter along with tears of frustration/stress/and disbelief.

You can't cry and laugh at the same time you may say. Well, I'm sitting here telling you, Yes (you/I/we) Can! In fact, I recovered from another "fit" earlier this evening...two, in fact (and one time in front of my boss, for Pete's sake). However, always trying to find that silver lining, it did make me feel better. I was able to cry and howl, and then got back to work. It's what we psych majors call "catharsis" (yea, big word).

Another silver/gold/Platinum liner? The grueling nights of campaign simulation and planning is over today at 1pm. We present our campaign plan to the three judges and then Hello Jose Cuervo! Additionally, I find out which campaign I am "officially" going to. Now, I'm off to bed, a couple of hours of sleep should help lighten up the dark circles under my eyes.

O yea, I can't believe I almost forgot, I saw Karl Rove in the car next to me today. He waved to me as I took his picture and laughed at the thought of his likely demise and future jail sentence.

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