Friday, August 15, 2008

Sheila Jackson Lee and Me

Ok, so I can't believe I forgot to tell y'all about this. So while I was in D.C. on Capital Hill, I met and rode up an elevator with Rep. Honda (yes, like the car) from California to see a portion of a House sessiom when in stepped Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.

Let me break to give a little background, for us weird political folks, seeing Representatives/political pundits/wonks etc. is like seeing Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie (although , that would also be freakin' cool!) on the street.

Back to the story, so I'm standing behind her, too intimidated to ask for a picture of the two of us (for us hard-core Barack supporters, let's forget about the whole primary situation...water, bridge, you know? She has done some good things for the people of Harris County) and she steps out with Rep. Honda and I'm like "damn, I should have said something". So last Saturday, who do I see at the Grand Opening of the Harris County Coordinated Campaign? If you said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, you get a gold star sticker! So given my second opportunity to meet her, what does Kelli do?

If you answered, "surely Kelli wasn't so stupid to pass up another opportunity to meet Rep. Jackson-Lee", you would be wrong. I didn't get up fast enough to flag her down as she was leaving the premises! Yea, that's all I have to say today, I'm getting bummed all over again.

O, yea, (as I keep editing this post) :) speaking of grand-standers, during the same session, I saw Rep. Charlie Rangel give a speech on why he should not be censured in the was really funny!

1 comment:

keisha said...

I have a pic w/ Sheila Jackson Lee, AND pics/video of her dancing to Stevie Wonder before Barack's speech! She was funny and nice, even though I didn't get to talk to her much. She came up to me while I was eating @ the first TX delegation gala, and she goes "Is the food good?" and I'm like, "Yeah..." and then I look, and I'm just like, 'OMG THAT'S SHEILA JACKSON LEE!!!' and later she came by and I got a pic w/ her.

Ahhhh you HAVE to go to the next convention! You'd love it!!!