Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day

It is yucky and rainy right now. With the wisdom that comes with 25 years (hey, don't laugh, that is a whole third of my life if I die around 75, a fourth if I kick the bucket at 100), I have decided that rainy days are perceived differently by two groups of people. Those that find the rain soothing, comforting and an opportunity to cuddle up with a big cup of coffee and a good book. While the other group perceives rainy days as being a nuisance, a drain on energy and ruining plans for what would have been a good day. Needless to say, I fall into the latter group. At least for today that is. Tack on the fact that I have a cold and I'm sure you can guess that I am Ms. Sunshine today. O well, things could definitely be worse!

On the campaign home-front, things are going really well! My first phone-banking operation pulled in a whopping two volunteers! I'm calling that a coup! I have a fundraiser tonight that should be fun, a neighborhood canvass on Saturday (which I always love) and a big B-B-Q on Sunday. I am getting excited about next week's DNC Convention! Things should start picking up after that, more volunteers, more involvement, and more excitement! And, once McCain and the Republicans (ugh, I threw up a little in my mouth) have their convention, that should rally the base a lot. Plus, I have at least one meeting with a group at UH to recruit volunteers! Yea Me!! Rain, what rain!

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